
Charts of almost any type can be added to Slides, including combo and 3D charts. See demos/modules/demo_chart.mjs for the working code used to create the charts shown below.

PptxGenJS Chart Samples


let pres = new pptxgen();
let dataChartAreaLine = [
    name: "Actual Sales",
    labels: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
    values: [1500, 4600, 5156, 3167, 8510, 8009, 6006, 7855, 12102, 12789, 10123, 15121],
    name: "Projected Sales",
    labels: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
    values: [1000, 2600, 3456, 4567, 5010, 6009, 7006, 8855, 9102, 10789, 11123, 12121],

slide.addChart(pres.ChartType.line, dataChartAreaLine, { x: 1, y: 1, w: 8, h: 4 });

Core Chart Types

Combo Charts

Usage Notes


Position/Size Props (PositionProps)

Option Type Default Description Possible Values
x number 1.0 hor location (inches) 0-n
x string   hor location (percent) ‘n%’. (Ex: {x:'50%'} middle of the Slide)
y number 1.0 ver location (inches) 0-n
y string   ver location (percent) ‘n%’. (Ex: {y:'50%'} middle of the Slide)
w number 1.0 width (inches) 0-n
w string   width (percent) ‘n%’. (Ex: {w:'50%'} 50% the Slide width)
h number 1.0 height (inches) 0-n
h string   height (percent) ‘n%’. (Ex: {h:'50%'} 50% the Slide height)

General (IChartOpts), Data Table (IChartPropsDataTable), Legend (IChartPropsLegend), Title (IChartPropsTitle)

Option Type Default Description Possible Values
altText string   chart alt text string shown in the “alt text” panel in PowerPoint
chartArea object   chart area fill/border fill and/or border. Ex: { fill: { color:"0088CC" }, border: {pt:'1', color:'f1f1f1'}, roundedCorners:true }
chartColors array   data colors array of hex color codes. Ex: ['0088CC','FFCC00']
chartColorsOpacity number 100 data color opacity (percent) 1-100. Ex: { chartColorsOpacity:50 }
dataTableFontSize number   data table font size 1-256. Ex: { dataTableFontSize: 13 }
holeSize number 50 doughnut hole size (percent) 1-100. Ex: { holeSize:50 }
invertedColors array   data colors for negative numbers array of hex color codes. Ex: ['0088CC','FFCC00']
legendFontFace string Arial font face font name. Ex: { legendFontFace:'Arial' }
legendFontSize number 10 legend font size 1-256. Ex: { legendFontSize: 13 }
legendColor string 000000 legend text color hex color code. Ex: { legendColor: '0088CC' }
legendPos string r chart legend position b (bottom), tr (top-right), l (left), r (right), t (top)
layout object   positioning plot within chart area object with x, y, w and h props, all in range 0-1 (proportionally related to the chart size). Ex: {x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1} fully expands chart within the plot area
plotArea object   plot area fill/border fill and/or border. Ex: { fill: { color: "0088CC" }, border: {pt:'1', color:'f1f1f1'} }
radarStyle string standard radar chart style standard, marker, filled
showDataTable boolean false show Data Table under the chart true or false (Not available for Pie/Doughnut charts)
showDataTableKeys boolean true show Data Table Keys (color blocks) true or false (Not available for Pie/Doughnut charts)
showDataTableHorzBorder boolean true show Data Table horizontal borders true or false (Not available for Pie/Doughnut charts)
showDataTableVertBorder boolean true show Data Table vertical borders true or false (Not available for Pie/Doughnut charts)
showDataTableOutline boolean true show Data Table table outline true or false (Not available for Pie/Doughnut charts)
showLabel boolean false show data labels true or false
showLeaderLines boolean false show leader lines true or false
showLegend boolean false show chart legend true or false
showPercent boolean false show data percent true or false
showTitle boolean false show chart title true or false
showValue boolean false show data values true or false
title string   chart title Ex: { title:'Sales by Region' }
titleAlign string center chart title text align left center or right Ex: { titleAlign:'left' }
titleColor string 000000 title color hex color code. Ex: { titleColor:'0088CC' }
titleFontFace string Arial font face font name. Ex: { titleFontFace:'Arial' }
titleFontSize number 18 font size 1-256. Ex: { titleFontSize:12 }
titlePos object   title position object with x and y values. Ex: { titlePos:{x: 0, y: 10} }
titleRotate integer   title rotation (degrees) 0-359. Ex: { titleRotate:45 }

Cat Axis (IChartPropsAxisCat) and Val Axis (IChartPropsAxisVal)

Option Type Default Description Possible Values
catAxisBaseTimeUnit string   category-axis base time unit days months or years
catAxisCrossesAt multi   category-axis crosses at number or autoZero
catAxisHidden boolean false hide category-axis true or false
catAxisLabelColor string 000000 category-axis color hex color code. Ex: { catAxisLabelColor:'0088CC' }
catAxisLabelFontBold boolean false make cat axis label bold true or false
catAxisLabelFontFace string Arial category-axis font face font name. Ex: { titleFontFace:'Arial' }
catAxisLabelFontSize integer 18 category-axis font size 1-256. Ex: { titleFontSize:12 }
catAxisLabelFrequency integer   PPT “Interval Between Labels” 1-n. Ex: { catAxisLabelFrequency: 2 }
catAxisLabelPos string nextTo category-axis label position low, high, or nextTo . Ex: { catAxisLabelPos: 'low' }
catAxisLabelRotate integer   category-axis rotation (degrees) 0-360. Ex: { catAxisLabelRotate:45 }
catAxisLineColor string 000000 category-axis line color hex color code. Ex: { catAxisTitleColor:'0088CC' }
catAxisLineShow boolean true show/hide category-axis line true or false
catAxisLineSize integer 18 category-axis font size 1-256. Ex: { titleFontSize:12 }
catAxisLineStyle string solid category-axis line style solid, dash, dot
catAxisMajorTickMark string   category-axis major tick mark none, inside, outside, cross
catAxisMajorTimeUnit string   category-axis major time unit days, months or years
catAxisMaxVal integer   category-axis max value Integer. Ex: { catAxisMaxVal:10 }
catAxisMinVal integer   category-axis min value Integer. Ex: { catAxisMinVal:0 }
catAxisMinorTickMark string   category-axis minor tick mark none, inside, outside, cross
catAxisMinorTimeUnit string   category-axis minor time unit days, months or years
catAxisMajorUnit integer   category-axis major unit Positive integer. Ex: { catAxisMajorUnit:12 }
catAxisMinorUnit integer   category-axis minor unit Positive integer. Ex: { catAxisMinorUnit:1 }
catAxisMultiLevelLabels boolean false show multi-level labels true or false. Ex:{ catAxisMultiLevelLabels:true }
catAxisOrientation string minMax category-axis orientation maxMin (high->low) or minMax (low->high)
catAxisTitle string Axis Title axis title a string. Ex: { catAxisTitle:'Regions' }
catAxisTitleColor string 000000 title color hex color code. Ex: { catAxisTitleColor:'0088CC' }
catAxisTitleFontFace string Arial font face font name. Ex: { catAxisTitleFontFace:'Arial' }
catAxisTitleFontSize integer   font size 1-256. Ex: { catAxisTitleFontSize:12 }
catAxisTitleRotate integer   title rotation (degrees) 0-360. Ex: { catAxisTitleRotate:45 }
catGridLine object none category grid line style object with properties size (pt), color and style ('solid', 'dash' or 'dot') or 'none' to hide
showCatAxisTitle boolean false show category (vert) title true or false. Ex:{ showCatAxisTitle:true }
showSerName boolean false show serie name true or false. Ex:{ showSerName:true }
showValAxisTitle boolean false show values (horiz) title true or false. Ex:{ showValAxisTitle:true }
valAxisCrossesAt multi   value-axis crosses at number or autoZero
valAxisDisplayUnit string   display units billions, hundredMillions, hundreds, hundredThousands, millions, tenMillions, tenThousands, thousands, trillions
valAxisHidden boolean false hide value-axis true or false
valAxisLabelColor string 000000 value-axis color hex color code. Ex: { valAxisLabelColor:'0088CC' }
valAxisLabelFontBold boolean false make val axis label bold true or false
valAxisLabelFontFace string Arial value-axis font face font name. Ex: { titleFontFace:'Arial' }
valAxisLabelFontSize integer 18 value-axis font size 1-256. Ex: { titleFontSize:12 }
valAxisLabelFormatCode string General value-axis number format format string. Ex: { axisLabelFormatCode:'#,##0' }
valAxisLineColor string 000000 value-axis line color hex color code. Ex: { catAxisTitleColor:'0088CC' }
valAxisLineShow boolean true show/hide value-axis line true or false
valAxisLineSize integer 18 value-axis font size 1-256. Ex: { titleFontSize:12 }
valAxisLineStyle string solid value-axis line style solid, dash, dot
valAxisLogScaleBase number   logarithmic scale 2-99
valAxisMajorTickMark string   value-axis major tick mark none, inside, outside, cross
valAxisMajorUnit number 1.0 value-axis tick steps Float or whole number. Ex: { majorUnit:0.2 }
valAxisMaxVal number   value-axis maximum value 1-N. Ex: { valAxisMaxVal:125 }
valAxisMinVal number   value-axis minimum value 1-N. Ex: { valAxisMinVal: -10 }
valAxisMinorTickMark string   value-axis minor tick mark none, inside, outside, cross
valAxisOrientation string minMax value-axis orientation maxMin (high->low) or minMax (low->high)
valAxisTitle string Axis Title axis title a string. Ex: { valAxisTitle:'Sales (USD)' }
valAxisTitleColor string 000000 title color hex color code. Ex: { valAxisTitleColor:'0088CC' }
valAxisTitleFontFace string Arial font face font name. Ex: { valAxisTitleFontFace:'Arial' }
valAxisTitleFontSize number   font size 1-256. Ex: { valAxisTitleFontSize:12 }
valAxisTitleRotate integer   title rotation (degrees) 0-360. Ex: { valAxisTitleRotate:45 }
valGridLine object   value grid line style object with properties size (pt), color and style ('solid', 'dash' or 'dot') or 'none' to hide

Bar (IChartPropsChartBar), Data Label (IChartPropsDataLabel), Line (IChartPropsChartLine)

Option Type Default Description Possible Values
barDir string col bar direction (Bar Chart) bar (horizontal) or col (vertical). Ex: {barDir:'bar'}
barGapWidthPct number 150 width between bar groups (percent) (Bar Chart) 0-500. Ex: { barGapWidthPct:50 }
barGrouping string clustered bar grouping (Bar Chart) clustered or stacked or percentStacked.
barOverlapPct number 0 overlap (percent) (Bar Chart) -100-100. Ex: { barOverlapPct:50 }
catLabelFormatCode string   format to show data value format string. Ex: { catLabelFormatCode:'#,##0' }
dataBorder object   data border object with pt and color values. Ex: border:{pt:'1', color:'f1f1f1'}
dataLabelColor string 000000 data label color hex color code. Ex: { dataLabelColor:'0088CC' }
dataLabelFormatCode string   format to show data value format string. Ex: { dataLabelFormatCode:'#,##0' }
dataLabelFormatScatter string custom label format (Scatter Chart) custom,customXY,XY
dataLabelFontBold boolean false make data label bold Ex: { dataLabelFontBold:true }
dataLabelFontFace string Arial value-axis font face font name. Ex: { titleFontFace:'Arial' }
dataLabelFontSize number 18 value-axis font size 1-256. Ex: { titleFontSize:12 }
dataLabelPosition string bestFit data label position bestFit,b,ctr,inBase,inEnd,l,outEnd,r,t
dataNoEffects boolean false whether to omit effects on data (Doughnut/Pie Charts) true or false
displayBlanksAs string span whether to draw line or gap (Line Charts) span or gap
lineCap string   line cap style flat, round, square
lineDash string solid (Bar/Scatter Chart) border line dash style dash, dashDot, lgDash, lgDashDot, lgDashDotDot, solid, sysDash or sysDot
lineDataSymbol string circle symbol used on line marker circle,dash,diamond,dot,none,square,triangle
lineDataSymbolSize number 6 size of line data symbol 1-256. Ex: { lineDataSymbolSize:12 }
lineDataSymbolLineSize number 0.75 size of data symbol outline 1-256. Ex: { lineDataSymbolLineSize:12 }
lineDataSymbolLineColor string 000000 color of data symbol line hex color code. Ex: { lineDataSymbolLineColor:'0088CC' }
lineSize number 2 thickness of data line (0 is no line) 0-256. Ex: { lineSize: 1 }
lineSmooth boolean false whether to smooth lines true or false - Ex: { lineSmooth: true }
shadow ShadowProps   data element shadow options none or ShadowProps

3D Bar Chart (IChartPropsChartBar), Series Axis (IChartPropsDataTable)

Option Type Default Description Possible Values
bar3DShape string box bar 3d shape box, cylinder, coneToMax, pyramid, pyramidToMax
barGapDepthPct number 150 width between bar groups (percent) 0-500. Ex: { barGapWidthPct:50 }
dataLabelBkgrdColors boolean false bkgd color is series color true or false
serAxisBaseTimeUnit string   series-axis base time unit days months or years
serAxisHidden boolean false hide series-axis true or false
serAxisOrientation string minMax series-axis orientation maxMin (high->low) or minMax (low->high)
serAxisLabelColor string 000000 series-axis color hex color code. Ex: { serAxisLabelColor:'0088CC' }
serAxisLabelFontBold boolean false make cat axis label bold true or false
serAxisLabelFontFace string Arial series-axis font face font name. Ex: { titleFontFace:'Arial' }
serAxisLabelFontSize integer 18 series-axis font size 1-256. Ex: { titleFontSize:12 }
serAxisLabelFrequency integer   PPT “Interval Between Labels” 1-n. Ex: { serAxisLabelFrequency: 2 }
serAxisLabelPos string nextTo axis label position low, high, or nextTo . Ex: { serAxisLabelPos: 'low' }
serAxisLineShow boolean true show/hide series-axis line true or false
serAxisMajorTimeUnit string   series-axis major time unit days, months or years
serAxisMajorUnit integer   series-axis major unit Positive integer. Ex: { serAxisMajorUnit:12 }
serAxisMinorTimeUnit string   series-axis minor time unit days, months or years
serAxisMinorUnit integer   series-axis minor unit Positive integer. Ex: { serAxisMinorUnit:1 }
serAxisTitle string Axis Title axis title a string. Ex: { serAxisTitle:'Regions' }
serAxisTitleColor string 000000 title color hex color code. Ex: { serAxisTitleColor:'0088CC' }
serAxisTitleFontFace string Arial font face font name. Ex: { serAxisTitleFontFace:'Arial' }
serAxisTitleFontSize integer   font size 1-256. Ex: { serAxisTitleFontSize:12 }
serAxisTitleRotate integer   title rotation (degrees) 0-360. Ex: { serAxisTitleRotate:45 }
serGridLine object none series grid line style object with properties size (pt), color and style ('solid', 'dash' or 'dot') or 'none' to hide
v3DRAngAx boolean true Right angle axes true or false
v3DPerspective integer 18 series-axis font size 1-240. Ex: { v3DPerspective:125 }
v3DRotX integer   x-axis rotation (degrees) -90 - 90. Ex: { v3DRotX:-45 }
v3DRotY integer   title rotation (degrees) 0-360. Ex: { v3DRotY:180 }
valueBarColors boolean false forces chartColors on multi-data-series true or false

Element Shadows

Option Type Unit Default Description Possible Values
type string   outer shadow type outer or inner. Ex: { type:'outer' }
angle number degrees 90 shadow angle 0-359. Ex: { angle:90 }
blur number points 3 blur size 1-256. Ex: { blur:3 }
color string   000000 shadow color hex color code. Ex: { color:'0088CC' }
offset number points 1.8 offset size 1-256. Ex: { offset:2 }
opacity number percent 0.35 opacity 0-1. Ex: { opacity:0.35 }

Combo Chart Options

Option Type Default Description Possible Values
catAxes array   array of two axis options objects See example below
secondaryCatAxis boolean false If data should use secondary category axis (or primary) true or false
secondaryValAxis boolean false If data should use secondary value axis (or primary) true or false
valAxes array   array of two axis options objects See example below


Sample code: demos/modules/demo_chart.mjs