File Methods (SP.File)
Files can be accessed by either their full or relative path:
sprLib.file('/sites/dev/Shared Documents/sample.pptx')
File CheckIn/Checkout
File CheckIn
sprLib.file("filename").checkin({ comment:"All done!" })
sprLib.file("filename").checkin({ comment:"All done!", type:"Major" })
Returns: True on success
File CheckIn Options
Option | Type | Default | Description |
comment | string | CheckIn comment. Ex: { 'comment':"updated due date" } | |
type | string | Major | CheckIn type. Possible values: Major , Minor , Overwrite |
File CheckOut
Returns: True on success
File Manipulation
Download File
Returns: Blob containing the file (either text or binary).
Download File Sample Code
// Example: Client-browser code to download file from SharePoint using JavaScript and REST
var url = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(blob);
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.setAttribute("href", url);
link.setAttribute("download", _fileName); = "visibility:hidden";
setTimeout(function(){ document.body.removeChild(link); }, 500);
Delete File
Bypasses Recycle Bin (permanently deletes the file)
Returns: True on success
Delete File Sample Code
.then(boolResult => console.log('file deleted!') );
Recycle File
Sends file to the site Recycle Bin (recoverable)
Returns: True on success
Recycle File Sample Code
.then(boolResult => console.log('file recycled!') );
File Information
File Properties
Returns: Object containing file properties
File Properties Enumeration
Property Name | Type | Description |
Author | object | object containing the id of the author - ex: {"Id":9} |
CheckInComment | string | the latest CheckIn comment |
CheckOutType | number | the item's check-out type (2 =none, 1 =offline, 0 =online) |
CheckedOutByUser | object | object containing the id of the user who checked out the file (empty object if file is not checked out) |
Created | string | the Date (ISO format) a file was created |
ETag | string | the ETag value - ex: "{8921212D-7E83-5AF1-CB51-5431BAD43233},12" |
Exists | boolean | whether the file exists |
Length | integer | the size of the file in bytes - ex: 55100 |
LockedByUser | object | object containing the id of the locking user - ex: {"Id":9} |
MajorVersion | integer | major version number - ex: 30 |
MinorVersion | integer | minor version number - ex: 1 |
Modified | string | the Date (ISO format) an item was last modified |
ModifiedBy | object | object containing the id of the author - ex: {"Id":9} |
Name | string | the name of the file - ex: "Sample.pptx" |
ServerRelativeUrl | string | the server relative URL - ex: "/sites/dev/Documents/Demo.xlsx" |
UIVersionLabel | string | major.minor version - ex: "30.0" |
UniqueId | GUID | GUID for the file - ex: 8921212D-7E83-5AF1-CB51-5431BAD43233 |
File Properties Sample Code
sprLib.file('/sites/dev/Shared Documents/sample.xlsx').info()
.then(function(objInfo){ console.table([objInfo]) });
// Result:
| Prop Name | Prop Value |
| Author | {"Id":9} |
| CheckedOutByUser | {} |
| LockedByUser | {} |
| ModifiedBy | {"Id":9} |
| CheckInComment | |
| CheckOutType | 2 |
| ETag | "{C8093E01-1044-51E2-9DC7-8524012E9111},1" |
| Exists | true |
| Length | 14234 |
| MajorVersion | 1 |
| MinorVersion | 0 |
| Name | "sample.xlsx" |
| ServerRelativeUrl | "/sites/dev/Shared Documents/sample.xlsx" |
| TimeCreated | "2017-08-06T01:33:37Z" |
| TimeLastModified | "2017-08-06T01:33:37Z" |
| UniqueId | "c8093f01-1044-51e2-9dc7-8524012e9111" |
| UIVersionLabel | "1.0" |
File Permissions
Returns: Array of file permissions
Permissions Properties
Property Name | Type | Description |
Member | object | object with Member properties (Title ,PrincipalId ,PrincipalType ) |
Roles | object | array of Role objects with properties: (Name ,Hidden ) |
File Permissions Sample Code
sprLib.file('/sites/dev/Shared Documents/sample.xlsx').perms()
.then(function(arrayResults){ console.table(arrayResults) });
| Member | Roles |
| {"Title":"Dev Site Members","PrincipalType":"SharePoint Group","PrincipalId":8} | [{"Hidden":false,"Name":"Design"},{"Hidden":false,"Name":"Edit"}] |
| {"Title":"Dev Site Owners","PrincipalType":"SharePoint Group","PrincipalId":6} | [{"Hidden":false,"Name":"Full Control"}] |
| {"Title":"Dev Site Visitors","PrincipalType":"SharePoint Group","PrincipalId":7} | [{"Hidden":false,"Name":"Read"}] |
| {"Title":"Excel Services Viewers","PrincipalType":"SharePoint Group","PrincipalId":5} | [{"Hidden":false,"Name":"View Only"}] |