Site Methods (SP.Web)
Returns: Array of site properties
Site Properties
Property Name | Type | Description |
AssociatedMemberGroup | object | Object with Group properties (Id ,Title ,OwnerTitle ) |
AssociatedOwnerGroup | object | Object with Group properties (Id ,Title ,OwnerTitle ) |
AssociatedVisitorGroup | object | Object with Group properties (Id ,Title ,OwnerTitle ) |
Created | string | Date (ISO format) the site was created |
Description | string | Site Description |
Id | GUID | The SP GUID of the Site |
Language | number | SP.Language.lcid property |
LastItemModifiedDate | string | Date (ISO format) an item was last modified |
LastItemUserModifiedDate | string | Date (ISO format) an item was last modified by a User |
Owner | object | Object with Group properties (Email ,LoginName ,Title ,IsSiteAdmin ) |
RequestAccessEmail | string | Email that receives access requests for this site/subsite |
SiteLogoUrl | string | Relative URL to the site's logo image |
Title | string | The Title of the Site/Subsite |
Url | string | Absolute site URL |
WebTemplate | string | Web template name |
Sample Code
.then(function(objSite){ console.table([objSite]) });
| Prop Name | Prop Value |
| Id | "123b4f37-6a13-4bc8-869a-08b5e4b7c058" |
| Title | "SpRestLib Dev Site" |
| Description | "Main O365 Dev Site for SpRestLib." |
| Language | 1033 |
| Created | "2016-08-16T14:53:31.327" |
| LastItemModifiedDate | "2017-10-28T23:06:13Z" |
| LastItemUserModifiedDate | "2017-10-28T23:06:13Z" |
| RequestAccessEmail | "" |
| SiteLogoUrl | "/sites/dev/SiteAssets/images/sample_company_logo.png" |
| Url | "" |
| WebTemplate | "STS" |
| AssociatedMemberGroup | {"Id":8,"Title":"Dev Site Members","OwnerTitle":"Dev Site Owners"} |
| AssociatedOwnerGroup | {"Id":6,"Title":"Dev Site Owners","OwnerTitle":"Dev Site Owners"} |
| AssociatedVisitorGroup | {"Id":7,"Title":"Dev Site Visitors","OwnerTitle":"Dev Site Owners"} |
| Owner | {"LoginName":"","Title":"Brent Ely","Email":"","IsSiteAdmin":true} |
Get Site Lists
Returns: Array of site lists
List Properties
Property Name | Type | Description |
BaseTemplate | number | SP.List.baseTemplate property value - ex: 100 |
BaseType | string | SP.BaseType property value - ex: "List" |
Description | string | List Description |
Hidden | boolean | Is list hidden? |
Id | GUID | The SP GUID of the List |
ImageUrl | string | Relative URL to the list's logo image |
ItemCount | number | Total items in the List/Library |
ParentWebUrl | string | Relative URL of parent web site |
ServerRelativeUrl | string | Relative URL of the list itself - ex: "/HR/Lists/Employees" |
Title | string | Title of the List |
Sample Code
.then(function(arr){ console.table([arr[0]]) });
| Prop Name | Prop Value |
| Id | "8fda2798-daba-497d-9840-df87b08e09c1" |
| Title | "Employees" |
| Description | "All company personnel" |
| ItemCount | 238 |
| BaseType | "List" |
| BaseTemplate | 100 |
| Hidden | false |
| ImageUrl | "/_layouts/15/images/itgen.png?rev=44" |
| ParentWebUrl | "/sites/dev" |
| ServerRelativeUrl | "/sites/dev/Lists/Employees" |
Get Site Permissions
Returns: Array of site permissions
Perm Properties
Property Name | Type | Description |
Member | object | object with Member properties (Title ,PrincipalId ,PrincipalType ) |
Roles | object | array of Role objects with properties: (Name ,Hidden ) |
Sample Code
.then(function(arrayResults){ console.table(arrayResults) });
| Member | Roles |
| {"Title":"Excel Services Viewers","PrincipalType":"SharePoint Group","PrincipalId":5} | [{"Hidden":false,"Name":"View Only"}] |
| {"Title":"Dev Site Owners","PrincipalType":"SharePoint Group","PrincipalId":6} | [{"Hidden":false,"Name":"Full Control"}] |
| {"Title":"Dev Site Visitors","PrincipalType":"SharePoint Group","PrincipalId":7} | [{"Hidden":false,"Name":"Read"}] |
| {"Title":"Dev Site Members","PrincipalType":"SharePoint Group","PrincipalId":8} | [{"Hidden":false,"Name":"Design"},{"Hidden":false,"Name":"Edit"}] |
Get Site Groups
Usage: Filter Options allow you to return a single group instead of all the site groups.
Group Filter Options
Prop | Type | Description | Possible Values |
id | number | group id | group id to query. Ex: {id:123} |
title | string | group title | group title to query. Ex: {title:'Dev Owners'} |
Returns: Array of site Groups
Group Properties
Property Name | Type | Description |
AllowMembersEditMembership | boolean | Whether members can edit the group |
Description | string | Group Description |
Id | GUID | Group ID |
OwnerTitle | string | Owner Title |
PrincipalType | string | Group, User, etc. |
Title | string | Title of the Group |
Users | object | array of User objects with properties: (Id ,LoginName ,Title ) |
Sample Code
.then(function(arrayResults){ console.table(arrayResults) });
| Id | Title | PrincipalType | Description | OwnerTitle | AllowMembersEditMembership | Users |
| 8 | Dev Site Members | SharePoint Group | contribute permissions: Dev Site | Dev Site Owners | true | [] |
| 6 | Dev Site Owners | SharePoint Group | full control permissions: Dev Site | SharePoint Group | false | [{"Id":99,"LoginName":"","Title":"Brent Ely"}] |
| 7 | Dev Site Visitors | SharePoint Group | read permissions: Dev Site | SharePoint Group | false | [] |
*/{ title:'Dev Site Members' })
.then(function(arrayResults){ console.table(arrayResults) });
| Id | Title | PrincipalType | Description | OwnerTitle | AllowMembersEditMembership | Users |
| 8 | Dev Site Members | SharePoint Group | contribute permissions: Dev Site | Dev Site Owners | true | [] |
Get Site Roles
Returns: Array of SiteCollection Roles (result is the same if siteUrl is provided)
Role Properties
Property Name | Type | Description |
Description | string | Role Description |
Hidden | boolean | Whether this Role is hidden or not |
Id | GUID | Role ID |
Name | string | Role Name |
RoleTypeKind | number | SP.RoleDefinition.roleTypeKind value |
Sample Code
.then(function(arrayResults){ console.table(arrayResults) });
| Id | Name | Description | RoleTypeKind | Hidden |
| 1073741829 | Full Control | Has full control. | 5 | false |
| 1073741828 | Design | Can view, add, update, delete, approve, and customize. | 4 | false |
| 1073741830 | Edit | Can add, edit and delete lists and items and documents. | 6 | false |
| 1073741827 | Contribute | Can view, add, update, and delete list items and documents. | 3 | false |
| 1073741826 | Read | Can view pages and list items and download documents. | 2 | false |
| 1073741825 | Limited Access | Can view specific lists, document libraries, list items... | 1 | true |
| 1073741924 | View Only | Can view pages, list items, and documents. | 0 | false |
Get Site Subsites
Returns: Array of subsites under the current or specified location
Subsite Properties
Property Name | Type | Description |
Created | string | Date (ISO format) that this Site was created |
Id | GUID | SP GUID for this site |
Language | number | SP.Language.lcid property |
Modified | string | Date (ISO format) that this Site was last modified |
Name | string | Site Name |
SiteLogoUrl | string | relative URL to site logo image |
UrlAbs | string | absolute URL of this site |
UrlRel | boolean | relative URL of this site |
Sample Code
.then(function(arrayResults){ console.table(arrayResults[0]) });
// Subsite Object
| Prop Name | Prop Value |
| Id | 822555ab-9376-4a1b-925b-82dcc7bf3cbd |
| Name | Sandbox |
| Created | 2017-09-30T04:27:51 |
| Modified | 2017-10-25T03:48:39Z |
| Language | 1033 |
| SiteLogoUrl | /sites/dev/SiteAssets/sprestlib-logo.png |
| UrlAbs | |
| UrlRel | /sites/dev/sandbox |
Get Site Users
Returns: Array of users under the current or specified location
- If siteUrl is omitted, then all users in the entire SiteCollection are returned. Otherwise, only the users under the given site are returned (all users with direct grants and all users within Groups that have site permissions).
User Properties
Property Name | Type | Description |
Email | string | user email address |
Groups | array | array of user's group objects with properties: (Id ,Title ) |
Id | number | user Id |
IsSiteAdmin | object | whether the user us a site collection admin (SCA) |
LoginName | string | user LoginName |
Title | string | user Title |
Sample Code
.then(function(arrayResults){ console.table(arrayResults) });
| Id | Email | LoginName | Title | IsSiteAdmin | Groups |
| 9 | | i:0#.f| | Brent Ely | true | [{"Id":6,"Title":"Dev Site Owners"}] |