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Tables and content can be added to Slides.


// TABLE 1: Single-row table
let rows = [["Cell 1", "Cell 2", "Cell 3"]];
slide.addTable(rows, { w: 9 });

// TABLE 2: Multi-row table
// - each row's array element is an array of cells
let rows = [["A1", "B1", "C1"]];
slide.addTable(rows, { align: "left", fontFace: "Arial" });

// TABLE 3: Formatting at a cell level
// - use this to selectively override the table's cell options
let rows = [
{ text: "Top Lft", options: { align: "left", fontFace: "Arial" } },
{ text: "Top Ctr", options: { align: "center", fontFace: "Verdana" } },
{ text: "Top Rgt", options: { align: "right", fontFace: "Courier" } },
slide.addTable(rows, { w: 9, rowH: 1, align: "left", fontFace: "Arial" });

Usage Notes

  • Properties passed to addTable() apply to every cell in the table
  • Selectively override formatting at a cell-level by providing properties to the cell object

Cell Formatting

  • Table cells can be either a plain text string or an object with text and options properties
  • When using an object, any of the formatting options above can be passed in options and will apply to that cell only
  • Cell borders can be removed (aka: borderless table) by using the 'none' type (Ex: border: {type:'none'})
  • Bullets and word-level formatting are supported inside table cells. Passing an array of objects with text/options values as the text value allows fine-grained control over the text inside cells.
  • Available formatting options are here: Text Props

Row Height

  • Use the h property to have row(s) divided evenly across the defined area
  • Use the rowH property with an array of values to specify row heights (indexed 0-n)
  • Omit both properties to have table rows consume only the space required for its contents


Position/Size Props (PositionProps)

OptionTypeDefaultDescriptionPossible Values
xnumber1.0hor location (inches)0-n
xstringhor location (percent)'n%'. (Ex: {x:'50%'} middle of the Slide)
ynumber1.0ver location (inches)0-n
ystringver location (percent)'n%'. (Ex: {y:'50%'} middle of the Slide)
wnumber1.0width (inches)0-n
wstringwidth (percent)'n%'. (Ex: {w:'50%'} 50% the Slide width)
hnumber1.0height (inches)0-n
hstringheight (percent)'n%'. (Ex: {h:'50%'} 50% the Slide height)

Table Layout Options (ITableOptions)

OptionTypeDescriptionPossible Values (inches or percent)
colWintegerwidth for every columnEx: Width for every column in table (uniform) 2.0
colWarraycolumn widths in orderEx: Width for each of 5 columns [1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 1.5, 1.0]
rowHintegerheight for every rowEx: Height for every row in table (uniform) 2.0
rowHarrayrow heights in orderEx: Height for each of 5 rows [1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 1.5, 1.0]

Table Formatting Props (ITableOptions)

OptionTypeUnitDefaultDescriptionPossible Values
alignstringleftalignmentleft or center or right
boldbooleanfalsebold texttrue or false
borderobjectcell borderobject with type, pt and color values. (see below)
borderarraycell borderarray of objects with pt and color values in TRBL order.
colorstringtext colorhex color code or scheme color constant. Ex: {color:'0088CC'}
colspanintegercolumn span2-n. Ex: {colspan:2} (Note: be sure to include a table w value)
fillstringfill/bkgd colorhex color code or scheme color constant. Ex: {color:'0088CC'}
fontFacestringfont faceEx: {fontFace:'Arial'}
fontSizenumberpointsfont size1-256. Ex: {fontSize:12}
italicbooleanfalseitalic texttrue or false
marginnumberpointsmargin0-99 (ProTip: use the same value from CSS padding)
marginarraypointsmarginarray of integer values in TRBL order. Ex: margin:[5,10,5,10]
rowspanintegerrow span2-n. Ex: {rowspan:2}
underlinebooleanfalseunderline texttrue or false
valignstringvertical alignmenttop or middle or bottom (or t m b)

Table Border Options (IBorderOptions)

OptionTypeDefaultDescriptionPossible Values
typestringsolidborder typenone or solid or dash
ptstring1border thicknessany positive number
colorstringblackcell borderhex color code or scheme color constant. Ex: {color:'0088CC'}

Table Auto-Paging

Auto-paging will create new slides as table rows overflow, doing the magical work for you.

Table Auto-Paging Options (ITableOptions)

OptionDefaultDescriptionPossible Values
autoPagefalseauto-page tabletrue or false. Ex: {autoPage:true}
autoPageCharWeight0char weight value (adjusts letter spacing)-1.0 to 1.0. Ex: {autoPageCharWeight:0.5}
autoPageLineWeight0line weight value (adjusts line height)-1.0 to 1.0. Ex: {autoPageLineWeight:0.5}
autoPageRepeatHeaderfalserepeat header row(s) on each auto-page slidetrue or false. Ex: {autoPageRepeatHeader:true}
autoPageHeaderRows1number of table rows that comprise the headers1-n. Ex: 2 repeats the first two rows on every slide
newSlideStartYstarting y value for tables on new Slides0-n OR 'n%'. Ex:{newSlideStartY:0.5}

Auto-Paging Property Notes

  • autoPage: allows the auto-paging functionality (as table rows overflow the Slide, new Slides will be added) to be disabled.
  • autoPageCharWeight: adjusts the calculated width of characters. If too much empty space is left on each line, then increase char weight value. Conversely, if the table rows are overflowing, then reduce the char weight value.
  • autoPageLineWeight: adjusts the calculated height of lines. If too much empty space is left under each table, then increase line weight value. Conversely, if the tables are overflowing the bottom of the Slides, then reduce the line weight value. Also helpful when using some fonts that do not have the usual golden ratio.
  • newSlideStartY: provides the ability to specify where new tables will be placed on new Slides. For example, you may place a table halfway down a Slide, but you wouldn't that to be the starting location for subsequent tables. Use this option to ensure there is no wasted space and to guarantee a professional look.

Auto-Paging Usage Notes

  • New slides will be created as tables overflow. The table will start at either newSlideStartY (if present) or the Slide's top margin
  • Tables will retain their existing x, w, and colW values as they are rendered onto subsequent Slides
  • Auto-paging is not an exact science! Try using different values for autoPageCharWeight/autoPageLineWeight and slide margin
  • Very small and very large font sizes cause tables to over/under-flow, be sure to adjust the char and line properties
  • There are many examples of auto-paging in the examples folder


Table Cell Formatting

// -------
// TABLE 1: Cell-level Formatting
// -------
let rows = [];

// Row One: cells will be formatted according to any options provided to `addTable()`
rows.push(["First", "Second", "Third"]);

// Row Two: set/override formatting for each cell
{ text: "1st", options: { color: "ff0000" } },
{ text: "2nd", options: { color: "00ff00" } },
{ text: "3rd", options: { color: "0000ff" } },

slide.addTable(rows, { x: 0.5, y: 1.0, w: 9.0, color: "363636" });

// -------
// TABLE 2: Using word-level formatting inside cells
// -------
// NOTE: An array of text/options objects provides fine-grained control over formatting
let arrObjText = [
{ text: "Red ", options: { color: "FF0000" } },
{ text: "Green ", options: { color: "00FF00" } },
{ text: "Blue", options: { color: "0000FF" } },

// EX A: Pass an array of text objects to `addText()`
slide.addText(arrObjText, {
x: 0.5,
y: 2.0,
w: 9,
h: 1,
margin: 0.1,
fill: "232323",

// EX B: Pass the same objects as a cell's `text` value
let arrTabRows = [
{ text: "Cell 1 A", options: { fontFace: "Arial" } },
{ text: "Cell 1 B", options: { fontFace: "Courier" } },
{ text: arrObjText, options: { fill: "232323" } },

slide.addTable(arrTabRows, { x: 0.5, y: 3.5, w: 9, h: 1, colW: [1.5, 1.5, 6] });

Table Cell Formatting


Sample code: demos/modules/demo_table.mjs