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Presentation Options


Metadata Properties

There are several optional PowerPoint metadata properties that can be set.

Metadata Properties Examples

PptxGenJS uses ES6-style getters/setters. = 'Brent Ely'; = 'S.T.A.R. Laboratories';
pptx.revision = '15';
pptx.subject = 'Annual Report';
pptx.title = 'PptxGenJS Sample Presentation';

Slide Layouts (Sizes)

Layout Option applies to all the Slides in the current Presentation.

Slide Layout Syntax

pptx.layout = 'LAYOUT_NAME';

Standard Slide Layouts

Layout NameDefaultLayout Slide Size
LAYOUT_16x9Yes10 x 5.625 inches
LAYOUT_16x10No10 x 6.25 inches
LAYOUT_4x3No10 x 7.5 inches
LAYOUT_WIDENo13.3 x 7.5 inches

Custom Slide Layouts

Custom, user-defined layouts are supported

  • Use the defineLayout() method to create a custom layout of any size
  • Create as many layouts as needed, ex: create an 'A3' and 'A4' and set layouts as desired

Custom Slide Layout Example

// Define new layout for the Presentation
pptx.defineLayout({ name:'A3', width:16.5, height:11.7 });

// Set presentation to use new layout
pptx.layout = 'A3'

Text Direction

Text Direction Options

Right-to-Left (RTL) text is supported. Simply set the RTL mode at the Presentation-level.

Text Direction Examples

// Set right-to-left text mode
pptx.rtlMode = true;


  • You may also need to set an RTL lang value such as lang='he' as the default lang is 'EN-US'
  • See Issue#600 for more

Default Font

Default Font Options

Use the headFontFace and bodyFontFace properties to set the default font used in the presentation.

Default Font Examples

pptx.theme = { headFontFace: "Arial Light" };
pptx.theme = { bodyFontFace: "Arial" };