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Saving Presentations

Several methods are available when generating a presentation.

  • All methods return a Promise
  • Working examples are available under /demos

Write File

Export the presentation as a regular flat file. Browser-based apps will prompt the user to download the file and push a PowerPoint Presentation MIME-type pptx file. Node.js apps will use fs to save the file to the local file system.

Write File Props (WriteFileProps)

compressionbooleanfalseapply zip compression (exports take longer but saves signifcant space)
fileNamestring'Presentation.pptx'output filename

Write File Example

// For simple cases, you can omit `then`
pptx.writeFile({ fileName: 'Browser-PowerPoint-Demo.pptx' });

// Using Promise to determine when the file has actually completed generating
pptx.writeFile({ fileName: 'Browser-PowerPoint-Demo.pptx' });
.then(fileName => {
console.log(`created file: ${fileName}`);


Export the presentation into other data formats for cloud storage.

Write Props (WriteProps)

compressionbooleanfalseapply zip compression (exports take longer but saves signifcant space)
outputTypestringblob'arraybuffer', 'base64', 'binarystring', 'blob', 'nodebuffer', 'uint8array'

Write Example

.then((data) => {
console.log("write as base64: Here are 0-100 chars of `data`:\n");
console.log(data.substring(0, 100));
.catch((err) => {


Export the presentation into a binary stream format for cloud storage, etc.

Stream Example

// Ex using: `const app = express();``
.then((data) => {
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
res.writeHead(200, { "Content-disposition": "attachment;filename=" + fileName, "Content-Length": data.length });
res.end(new Buffer(data, "binary"));

app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log("PptxGenJS Node Stream Demo app listening on port 3000!");
console.log("Visit: http://localhost:3000/");
console.log("(press Ctrl-C to quit demo)");
.catch((err) => {
console.log("ERROR: " + err);

Saving Multiple Presentations

Client Browser

  • In order to generate a new, unique Presentation just create a new instance of the library then add objects and save as normal.
let pptx = null;

// Presentation 1:
pptx = new PptxGenJS();
pptx.addSlide().addText("Presentation 1", { x: 1, y: 1 });
pptx.writeFile({ fileName: "PptxGenJS-Presentation-1" });

// Presentation 2:
pptx = new PptxGenJS();
pptx.addSlide().addText("Presentation 2", { x: 1, y: 1 });
pptx.writeFile({ fileName: "PptxGenJS-Presentation-2" });


  • See demos/node/demo.js for a working demo with multiple presentations, promises, etc.
  • See demos/node/demo_stream.js for a working demo using streaming
import pptxgen from "pptxgenjs";

// Presentation 1:
let pptx1 = new pptxgen();
pptx1.addSlide().addText("Presentation 1", { x: 1, y: 1 });
pptx1.writeFile({ fileName: "PptxGenJS-NodePres-1" });

// Presentation 2:
let pptx2 = new pptxgen();
pptx2.addSlide().addText("Presentation 2", { x: 1, y: 1 });
pptx2.writeFile({ fileName: "PptxGenJS-NodePres-2" });